PROCEDURE Spetec PU N450 is a multi-component material that is injected using a plural component 1:1 ratio pump. Material is pumped through a static mixer system to maximize blending of the two components. The mixed material displaces water, foams to seal high volume leaks, and permeates into strata filling cavities with dense material. Spetec PU N450 can be injected under floor slabs using a button head packer system or directly injected into soil to fill large voids around structures using a twin tube system. Consult Resiplast Technical Service or the local area representative for further information. PACKAGING 10 gallon kit (5 gallons of Part A, 5 gallons of Part B) 90 gallon kit (45 gallons of Part A, 45 gallons of Part B) 10.5 oz cartridge