Sika Scofield Cureseal-W

Sika Scofield Cureseal-W

Sika Scofield

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A waterborne, low VOC, environmentally sound, clear curing compound and sealer for freshly placed colored or uncolored concrete flatwork and a durable finish for protecting colored, uncolored, or multicolored concrete hardscapes, floors and cementitious toppings.

SCOFIELD® Cureseal-W™ was developed for curing and sealing freshly placed colored or uncolored concrete and sealing new or existing, interior or exterior concrete flatwork or floors topped with SCOFIELD® Texturetop® toppings where a clear, semigloss finish is desired. It is also effective when used as a sealer over antiqued, imprinted, chemically stained, or exposed-aggregate finishes.

As a premium-quality, environmentally sound curing membrane, SCOFIELD Cureseal-W offers excellent curing properties and moisture retention while complying with stringent air quality regulations. It produces a clear finish that is resistant to blushing and will not yellow or change the natural color of the concrete.

As a sealer, SCOFIELD Cureseal-W helps protect against staining from incidental contact with materials such as automotive oil, grease, and food spills. It produces a low-maintenance film that improves resistance to abrasion, deicing salts, many chemicals, weather, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It is helpful in preventing concrete dusting, plastic shrinkage cracking, and spalling. Surfaces sealed and protected with SCOFIELD Cureseal-W are easier to clean and maintain than unsealed concrete.

SCOFIELD Cureseal-W is a low VOC, environmentally sound, green building material. It may contribute to earning LEED® credits for Indoor Environmental Quality, EQc 4: Low-Emitting Materials, based on low contribution of VOC. See the current Material Safety Data Sheet for exact VOC documentation.


  • 1-Gallon Pails & 5-Gallon Pails

  • Coverage

  • 300-600 ft²/gal depending on floor and application method
  • Additional Information

    Manufacturer: Sika Scofield
    For More Information on the Sika Scofield Cureseal-W, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site

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