Stucco Mix

Rapid Set Stucco Mix

Rapid Set

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Rapid Set Stucco Mix

Quick Overview

    Stucco Mix is applied in much the same way as portland cement-based plaster, and can be applied by hand or machine. Stucco Mix can be scratched, browned (or applied in one coat to ¾"), and color coated in one day. Do NOT apply brown coat until scratch coat has achieved sufficient strength to resist application pressure. One hour after moist curing is complete (see below), color coat can be applied.
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Rapid Set® Stucco Mix is a premium blend of Rapid Set® Cement, quality plaster sand, and high performance additives. Stucco Mix is used in exterior plastering applications where accelerated set times, higher strength, superior durability, minimal shrinkage, and reduced cracking are desired. Stucco Mix can be scratched, browned (or applied in one coat to ¾"), and color coated in one day. Stucco Mix is similar in appearance to portland cement plaster and may be applied using similar methods. The following performance can be expected from Rapid Set® Stucco Mix.

6-hour*: 1500 psi
24-hour: 2500 psi
28-day: 4000 psi

* = Time Measured After Final Set

Mix Stucco Mix in a mortar mixer or with a drill mounted mixer. Rapid Set® Stucco Mix can be mixed using 2.0 to 3.4 quart of water per 50-lb bag. Place the desired quantity of mix water into the mixing container. While the mixer is running add Rapid Set® Stucco Mix. Mix for 3 to 5 minutes, or until a uniform, lump-free consistency is achieved. Do NOT retemper. CAUTION: Do NOT add portland cement, lime, or any other admixtures unless approved by Rapid Set®.

One 50-lb bag of Rapid Set® Stucco Mix will cover approximately 7.0 square feet at ¾ in. thickness. Yields 0.45 cubic feet per 50-lb bag.

Additional Information

Manufacturer: Rapid Set
For More Information on the Stucco Mix, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site

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